Explore the limitless possibilities.


Clearing Energy with Quantum Biofeedback

Space is energy. Energy is alive, and thus, even though space is thought of as inanimate, I propose that space indeed has life and in fact has cellular memory. That said, when clearing space try to think in terms of all aspects of life – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.

Traditionally there are many methods of clearing energy and creating sacred space. Space clearing has been practiced in every culture throughout human history. Native Americans use drums, rattles and burning herbs in their rituals, while the Chinese use Feng Shui, gongs, chanting, and incense. In medieval Europe, salt and prayers cleared energy, and in the Middle East smoldering resins such as frankincense and myrrh have been used to invite blessings into a home. Scandinavians have a tradition of fastidious cleaning and clearing every spring. Even church bells are a means of community space clearing. The methods and the tools vary from one culture to another, but the intent is the same—to create harmony, balance, and nourishing environments that support the health and well being of you, your family, your home, and your business.

How Often should I do a Space Clearing?

For homes, it is important to do a space clearing when you first move into a new accommodation, as previous tenants have left their energy imprint in that space. Find the method or combination of modalities that works best for you. Thereafter, depending on your home situation, I suggest you repeat this process every quarter, every six months, or yearly to maintain a high vibration in that space.

For businesses, I suggest space clearing once a week or once a month, depending on the nature of your business. Business environments welcome many different people with different energies into their space, so it is essential to clear often to keep the vibrations high and positive. In our Healing Center, we not only have private practices but we also have a classroom with students from all over the world. Our Space Clearing and Creation of Sacred Space is ongoing due to the number of different people and energies that come and go in the Center. We use a diffuser of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (Young Living’s “Purification” is one of my favorites) every day, we smudge with sage weekly and we have the BioGenesis 27 wheels and pyramids in place all the time. Our Center’s Feng Shui has been carefully planned and executed, and I do a Quantum Biofeedback session on the Center once a month. Your line of work and how many people or energies you or your space come into contact with will determine the frequency of clearing, as well as the methods and modalities you will use in keeping your space’s vibrations clear and at a high frequency.

“Sacred is everywhere when you are conscious of both your external and internal environments. Sacred is honoring the fire when you light a candle. Sacred is thanking a flower for its beauty. Sacred is blessings the car going slow in front of you for reminding you that life is not a race to the finish line. Sacred blends your inner being with your physical existence, it allows you to live in a space of love, wonder and compassion.” – Leah Michele Harvey

Quantum Biofeedback, Space Clearing and Creating Sacred Space

When clearing land, a home, or a business using your Quantum Biofeedback Device, you first have to establish the goal of the session. Just like when you are working with a person, you will not necessarily get the clearing done in one session. If a client wants the space to be cleared of all past trauma and negativity, it could take multiple sessions, depending on the history of the property, building or home. I approach space clearing and creation the same way that I do with a human client – I tell them that I do not know how many sessions we will need. We have to have the “Handshake Session,” the first session, to evaluate the extent of work to be done and how many sessions will be needed.

Remember that homes pick up energy from all the people who have ever lived or visited them. Everything that ever happens in a building or on a property is energetically recorded in that space. Events that have strong emotions or repetitive patterns are deeply imprinted. Consider clearing 100 years the very first session. Remember, I am giving you guidelines and ideas for space clearing. This can be translated and applied to any “other living thing,” such as: your business, your board of directors, your city, your upcoming Congress of the Quantum Masters, etc… the sky’s the limit.

We are now entering into the land of metaphor. Please leave your literal hat at the door… open up to the limitless possibilities. In looking at the matrix, we see very human items. Our job is to translate that and apply them to an “other living thing.” I will caution you – there is no right or wrong way to look at this. Remember, intention is the most powerful tool you possess so please stay flexible.

We first need to establish alignment, both internally and externally. Internal alignment, just like in the body, involves balance of emotions, of organ systems, of energy, of chemical processes, of hormones, and of the spine so that the nervous impulses flow unimpeded from the brain through the spinal roots to every part of the body. The outside energy enters the body through the chakra system. If the chakras are not spinning correctly or are clogged in some way, the energy entering the body or space can become distorted or may not even be able to enter properly, causing pain and discomfort and leading to other disease processes. Alignment and flow are key to creating a happy, healthy, whole space. I approach ALL clients from this perspective.

One way to view a house as a person, with regards to body systems, is:

Plumbing – Digestive System

Electrical – Nervous System

Physical Structure – Muscular-Skeletal System

Ducting – Respiratory System

Air Space throughout the space – Circulatory and Lymph Systems

Front Door – Mouth

Windows – Eyes

You may have a different perspective on these body systems. I offer this as a possible perspective.